Come into a plank position, with hands just outside shoulder width and elbows turned out. (If unable to complete one rep on toes, come down onto your knees.)
Lower chest to floor, aiming to reach an angle of 90-degrees.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing your core stomach muscles.
Drive palms of hands into the ground to push back into starting position.
Come down to the ground and place elbows under shoulders.
Feet together with toes resting on the ground. (May come onto knees if unable to complete on toes.)
Push body weight slightly forward, so that weight is distributed through the arms.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core glute and leg muscles.
High Knees
Feet under hips.
Jogging on the spot, aiming to lift each knee above hip height.
Left Split Squat
Find secure, elevated surface.
Place right foot onto elevated surface.
Bring left foot forward so that it is in front of the body, in lunge position.
Keeping weight in left heel, slowly lower right knee towards the ground.
Keep chest upright, eyes looking straight ahead.
Drive weight through left heel, to return to starting position.
Right Split Squat
Find secure, elevated surface.
Place left foot onto elevated surface.
Bring right foot forward so that it is in front of the body, in lunge position.
Keeping weight in left heel, slowly lower left knee towards the ground.
Keep chest upright, eyes looking straight ahead.
Drive weight through right heel, to return to starting position.
Push Up with Rotation
Come into a plank position, with hands just outside shoulder width and elbows turned out. (If unable to complete one rep on toes, come down onto knees.)
Lower chest to floor, aiming to reach an angle of 90-degrees.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing your core stomach muscles.
Drive palms of hands into the ground, to push back into starting position.
After returning to start position, raise one arm to the ceiling, rotating the body and looking up to the ceiling.
Alternate sides, on each rep.
Left Side Plank
Come down to the ground and place elbows under shoulders.
Feet together with toes resting on the ground. (May come onto knees, if unable to complete on toes.)
Push body weight slightly forward, so that weight is distributed through the arms.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core glute and leg muscles.
Rotate body and lift left arm to ceiling, allow feet to rotate with your body to rest on top of each other.
Keep hips high, maintaining a straight line through the body.
Return to plank position to complete.
Right Side Plank
Come down to the ground and place elbows under shoulders.
Feet together with toes resting on the ground. (May come onto knees, if unable to complete on toes.)
Push body weight slightly forward, so that weight is distributed through the arms.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core glute and leg muscles.
Rotate body and lift right arm to ceiling, allow feet to rotate with your body to rest on top of each other.
Keep hips high, maintaining a straight line through the body.
Return to plank position to complete.
10m Shuttle Runs
Place a marker at 10m, 20m, 30m.
Run to the 10m mark first touching the ground and running back to the start line touching the ground again.
Continue running to the 30m mark touching the ground then return to the start line.
Keep your upper body straight, shoulders back and relaxed, chin up and brace core.
Step forward with one leg lowering your hips until both knees are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Make sure that your rear knee is placed under your rear hip, and that your front foot is directly under your knee.
Push through your heels, straightening both legs, then step your opposite leg forward, lowering your hips again.
Repeat moving forward.
10m Sled Pushes
Load your pushing sled to the desired weight.
Place hands on handles, arms bent.
Engage core, and lean into the sled straightening and extending the arms as you push forward extending from the hips and knees.
Run forward as fast as you can.
10m Spiderman Crawls
Start with your body in plank position, hands under shoulders, legs extended backwards, bracing core, keeping hips up and pushing through the ball of your foot.
Move your right arm forward, while simultaneously moving your left leg forward.
Bending your arms and legs, lower your chest to just above the ground bracing abdominals and keeping your back straight.
Push upward while simultaneously reaching forward with your left arm and moving your right leg forward.
Bend your arms and legs to lower your chest to the ground.
10m Gorilla Crawls
From standing position, place feet wider than hip width apart, bend knees, lowering hips into a crouching position.
Keeping feet flat on the floor, place hands at arm’s length forward on ground.
Swing hips forward, raising feet, while keeping hands on the ground and bring feet to the outside of the hands landing on the heel of the foot.
Take hands shoulder width and arms length forward again.
Sit tall on machine, holding onto handle with overhand grasp, shoulder width, arms out straight, back upright and knees and ankles bent leaning forward at the hips.
Pull shoulders down.
Push backwards with legs, straightening legs and bracing core.
Lean backwards at hips.
Hands and handle are pulled in toward base of ribs and elbows tucked in.
Legs should be straight and shoulders and back leaning away from the legs.
To return to original position, extend the arms fully, lean forwards at the hips, pull against toe straps so that your body slides along the rail of the rower.
Butterfly Sit Ups
Sit down on the floor with feet together, in front of body, with legs in a diamond position.
Lower back, until flat to the floor.
Extend arms back and touch the floor behind your head.
Extend arms forward and reach the ground in front of your feet.
Jumping Lunges
Feet under hips.
Step forward (alternating legs per rep).
Sit into the heel of the front foot.
Lower front leg down to a 90-degree angle, making sure your front foot is directly under your knee.
Back leg should also simultaneously bend towards the floor.
Jump up and alternate legs at the same time, to complete rep.
Left Leg Raised Plank
Come down to the ground and place elbows under shoulders.
Feet together, with toes resting on the ground (may come onto knees if unable to complete on toes).
Push body weight slightly forward, so that weight is distributed through the arms.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core glute and leg muscles.
Keeping a straight leg, lift left leg towards ceiling and hold.
Right Leg Raised Plank
Come down to the ground and place elbows under shoulders.
Feet together, with toes resting on the ground (may come onto knees if unable to complete on toes).
Push body weight slightly forward, so that weight is distributed through the arms.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core glute and leg muscles.
Keeping a straight leg, lift right leg towards ceiling and hold.
Get down onto the ground in an all fours position with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips
Engage the muscles of your back and abdominals and lift your knees slightly so that they are hovering just above the ground
A 90 degree angle should be formed between your hip, knee and ankle
Tuck your toes under
Keeping your back parallel to the ground, and keeping a neutral spine, move your right hand and left knee forward simultaneously as far as you can reach while keeping your hips straight
Move your left hand and right knee forward to progress further
Slightly bend your knees, keeping your back straight.
Place your hands around the bar with the back of them facing the ceiling.
Bring the bar down to align with your chest, keeping your arms close to your body.
Push the bar down, fully extending your arms.
Bring the bar back up to your chest.
Repeat this movement.
Tricep Extension with Dumbbells
Find a dumbbell at an appropriate weight for you.
Place one foot forward, slightly bend both knees keeping your back straight.
Lifting your elbow so that it is horizontal to the ground, create a 90-degree angle holding the dumbbell.
Extend your arm backwards, lifting the dumbbell slowly.
Bring the Dumbbell back into the starting position, before repeating this extension.
Forward Toe Taps
Standing in an upright position, jump one foot out in front of the other and tap toe to the ground.
Simultaneously jump the forward foot backwards to the starting position, while jumping the rear foot forward and tap your toe to the ground.
Repeat this movement.
Renegade Row
Come down onto the ground, weight on your toes with your feet hip width apart.
Extend your arms out, placing hands directly under your shoulders to hold a strong plank position.
If using hex dumbbells, hold on to these while they are resting on the ground while still holding the plank position.
Balancing, raise one hand up off the ground (with or without dumbbells), bending your elbow and tucking it back behind you by pinching your shoulder blades together, as though you are rowing.
Repeat on the other side.
Back Extensions
Lie face down, keeping feet and legs together on the ground.
Place your hands under your chin, forming a triangle shape with your arms.
Squeeze your glutes and lift your upper body 2-3cm off the ground. Make sure you don’t put any strain on your neck.
Alternatively, you can make this exercise extra challenging by lifting your legs up off the ground, at the same time as you lift your upper body. Make sure you squeeze your lower back and glutes.
Lie face down, keeping feet and legs together on the ground.
Hold arms outwards forming a T-shape, with your thumbs pointing to the sky.
Pinch the shoulder blades together, as you pulse your arms up and down like a bird quickly flapping its wings.
Feet just outside hips, with toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into your heels.
Keep chest upright.
Bend knees so that they track over toes.
Aim to lower to a 90-degree squat position. At the bottom of the movement, when your thighs are parallel to the ground, hold this position as long as possible, or as required.
Push into heels to return to starting position.
Lie face down, keeping feet and legs together on the ground.
Place your arms out in front of you in the shape of a Y, keeping your thumbs pointed towards the sky.
Squeeze your glutes and lift your upper body off the ground, while simultaneously squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Continue to squeeze your shoulder blades together with thumbs pointed to the sky as you lift your upper body a little further off the ground; and shift your arms backwards to form a T shape.
Lift your upper body even further off the ground, shifting your arms all the way back to create the shape of the letter I. Ensure thumbs continue to point towards the sky and
shoulder blades are squeezed together.
Lower your chest to the ground and return your arms to the Y position.
Left Static Lunge
With your feet under your hips, step forward with your left leg.
Sit into the heel of the front foot.
Lower your front leg to form a 90-degree angle, making sure the front foot remains directly under the knee.
Your back leg should also simultaneously bend towards the floor.
Keeping your feet in place, push through your front heel returning to an upright lunge position.
Slowly lower down into this position again
Stand up tall, bringing both feet together when you have finished the required reps.
Right Static Lunge
With your feet under your hips, step forward with your right leg.
Sit into the heel of the front foot.
Lower your front leg to form a 90-degree angle, making sure the front foot remains directly under the knee.
Your back leg should also simultaneously bend towards the floor.
Keeping your feet in place, push through your front heel returning to an upright lunge position.
Slowly lower down into this position again
Stand up tall, bringing both feet together when you have finished the required reps.
Lateral Jumps
Standing in an upright position, jump sideways keeping both feet together.
Keep the feet together as you jump sideways in the opposite direction.
Superman Hold
Lie face down, with your chest on the ground.
Reach your arms straight out in front of you, like Superman flying.
Squeeze your glutes and lower back, as you lift your upper and lower body off the ground.
Hold for as long as required before slowly lowering chest, arms and legs back to the ground.
Skater jumps
Stand with feet wide and arms bent in front.
Pushing off left foot explosively, jump laterally onto right leg, lifting left foot behind body and push arms straight back behind you.
Push off right foot explosively, jump laterally onto left leg, lifting right foot behind body and bringing arms in front.
Feet just outside hips, with toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into your heels.
Keep chest upright.
Bend knees so that they track over toes.
Aim to lower to a 90-degree squat position.
Push into heels to return to starting position.
Kick right leg upwards and outwards explosively to the left side.
Return right leg to starting position.
Kick left leg upwards and outwards explosively to the right side.
Return left leg to the starting position.
Repeat starting with squat.
180 Degree Squat Jump
Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into heels, keep chest upright and lower down into a 90 degree squat position.
Push through the heels to jump up and spin 180 degrees to the left (halfway around) landing with knees bent in squat position.
Quickly jump up and spin 180 degrees to the right landing back in the squat position.
V Ups
Lie on your back with arms overhead and legs extended and resting on the floor.
Keep your feet together and toes pointed.
Brace abdominals and in one movement, lift torso and legs up keeping them straight as you reach towards the toes.
Lower your arms and legs back to the floor.
For a harder option, keep the feet slightly elevated so they don’t touch the floor.
Plank Shoulder Taps
Come down onto the ground and place your hands under your shoulders, extending your arms out straight.
Bring your feet close together with your toes resting on the ground (may come onto knees if unable to complete on toes).
Maintain a flat back by tensing core, glute and leg muscles.
Bracing core, lift your left hand up to tap your right shoulder.
Place your left hand back down to the ground and lift your right hand off the ground to tap your left shoulder.
Repeat, continuing to brace abdominals and glutes to ensure that the hips do not tilt as you lift each arm.
Half Burpees
Move into a plank position by coming down to the ground and place hands under shoulders.
Feet together with toes resting on the ground.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing core, glute and leg muscles.
Jump feet inwards towards hands.
Jump feet back out to starting position being sure not to let hips and back dip.
Shadow Box
If you are right handed put your left foot forward.
Then take your right hand to the left side of your chin.
Take your left hand out to the left side of your chin forwards of your right hand.
If you are left handed, reverse these actions with both feet and hands.
Make a fist with your hands and move both hands outwards from your chin.
Curl your shoulders inwards, tuck your chin in and bend your knees.
Pivot on the balls of your feet as you throw punches.
Throw a combination of straight, hook or uppercut punches into the “air” as if you are boxing with a fake opponent.
Cross Crunch
Draw shoulders down & back, tuck chin in, fingertips lightly on ears, elbows wide.
The legs are bent with feet flat.
As you exhale, lift one shoulder bringing armpit towards opposite hip.
Inhale and return to mat.
Exhale and repeat on the side.
Continue, alternating sides.
Elbow to Knee Push Up
Begin in a full pushup position, hands on floor directly below shoulders, legs extended behind you.
Bend elbows behind you in a triceps pushup; at the same time, bring right knee to touch right elbow.
Straighten arms by pushing off floor and bring right leg back to starting position.
Repeat, alternating sides.
Four Point Kneeling Hover
Kneel square on the mat, hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
Draw navel in and shoulders down, chin tucked in.
Curl toes under.
Lift knees a few centimetres off the mat, keeping back straight.
Breathe throughout the hold.
Back Extension with a Clap
Lie face down on the mat and activate the core by drawing navel in and shoulders down.
Keep the neck straight and chin tucked in.
The legs stay extended, squeeze the glutes to extend the lower back.
At the same time, lift the upper body and reach the hands forward to clap.
Reach the hands backwards, squeezing the shoulder blades together to clap behind the back.
Lower upper and lower body to the mat and reset position to repeat.
Push Up Plank Jack
Set up in a high plank position, hands shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart.
The body is in a straight line from shoulders to toes.
Bend the elbows to do the pushup, bringing the chest towards the mat, straighten the arms.
Jump both feet out to just outside hip width and then back to hip width.
Plank Jack
Set up in a high plank position, hands shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart.
The body is in a straight line from shoulders to toes.
Jump both feet out to just outside hip width and then back to hip width.
Sumo Squat
Place feet wider than shoulders, with toes turned slightly out.
Arms by sides.
Keep chest upright and core engaged.
Push hips backwards.
Sit weight into your heels.
Bend knees so that they track over toes.
Aim to lower body until thighs are parallel to ground.
Bring hands together in front of your chest.
Push into heels to return to starting position.
Curtsy Lunge
Stand with feet under hips.
Step left leg behind your body and to the right so that your thighs cross.
Bend both knees simultaneously towards the floor making sure that your front knee and front foot are aligned. This motion is like a curtsy.
Sit into the heel of the front foot and push back to standing position to complete one repetition.
Alternate legs.
Hand Release Push Up
Come into a plank position, with hands just outside shoulder width and elbows turned out. (If unable to complete one rep on toes, come down onto your knees.)
Lower chest completely to the ground and once this is done, lift your hands up off the ground.
Place your hands back into their original position.
Maintain a flat back, by tensing your core stomach muscles.
Drive palms of hands into the ground to push back into starting position.
Forward Squat Jumps
Feet just outside hips, with toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into heels.
Keep chest upright.
Bend knees, so that they track over toes.
Aim to lower to a 90-degree squat position.
Push body weight into heels and explode jumping forward.
Land low and light.
Maintain a half-squat position and jump forwards again.
Walk Outs
From standing, bend at your hips and bring the hands down to touch the floor in front of your feet.
Keeping arms and legs straight, walk your hands out until they sit under your shoulders in a high plank position.
Keeping the legs straight, walk the hands back in to the feet, stand up and do it again.
Elbow to Knee Plank
Start in a full plank position with hands on ground, wrists under shoulders and arms straight.
Legs are long with toes resting on the ground as you push back through the heels.
Draw shoulder blades back and down, squeeze glutes and activate core muscles.
Keeping head aligned with the spine and back flat, draw your right knee towards the outside of your right elbow.
Return to plank position before drawing left knee to outside of left elbow.
Keep alternating from side to side, returning to plank position in between.
Step Back Lunges
Stand with feet under hips, shoulders over hips and back straight.
Step back with the right leg, keeping the heel lifted and push into the ball of your foot.
Push through the heel of the left leg to bring the right leg back to standing position.
The knee should form a 90 degree angle under the hip.
Repeat on left leg.
Scissor Crunch
Lie on your back with legs extended and toes pointed.
Arms by your sides or if you need back support, place hands underneath glutes.
Engage your core by pulling navel to spine.
In one movement lift head, shoulders, upper back and legs up, keeping them straight as you reach towards the toes and “crunch” your abdominal muscles.
Keep your chin slightly tucked so there is space between chin and chest.
Legs should remain lifted a few inches from the ground.
Maintain crunch position as you cross one ankle over the other, keeping legs straight. Cross the ankles the other way and then repeat, continuing the scissoring motion as you alternate the legs.
Squat Pulses
Feet just outside hips, with toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into your heels.
Keep chest upright.
Bend knees so that they track over toes.
Aim to lower to a 90-degree squat position.
Pulse up and down slightly in the squat hold position.
Push into heels to return to starting position after preferred time.
Lunge Hold
Feet under hips.
Step forward.
Sit into the heel of the front foot.
Lower front leg down to a 90-degree angle, making sure your front foot is directly under your knee.
Back leg should also simultaneously bend towards the floor.
Hold in this position for the required amount of time. Eg 30 sec, 45 sec.
Stand up tall to complete the rep.
Alternate legs.
Glute Bridge Hold
Laying flat on the floor with your back to the ground, bend knees and bring feet in towards body.
Place hands flat to the floor, by side of body.
Lift hips upwards, towards ceiling, until hips and back are in a straight line.
Squeeze glutes at the top of the movement.
Hold in this position for the rest amount of time.
Lower front leg down to a 90-degree angle, making sure your front foot is directly under your knee.
Back leg should also simultaneously bend towards the floor.
Hold in this lowered position and pulse gently for the required amount of time.
Stand up tall to complete the rep.
Alternate legs.
Sit Up Hold
Lay with your back to the floor with knees bent and feet together.
Place hands straight out in front with palms facing the ground.
Keep space between chin and chest.
Tilt hips upwards so that back lies flat on the ground.
Using your abdominals, lift torso up off the ground and into a half sitting position, keep your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
Brace your abdominals and hold in this position for the desired amount of time.
Return to starting position to complete the exercise.
Lie face down, with your chest on the ground.
Reach your arms straight out in front of you, like Superman flying.
Squeeze your glutes and lower back, as you lift your upper and lower body off the ground.
Slowly lower chest, arms and legs back to the ground to complete one rep.
Sumo Squat Jump
Feet wide apart with toes turned slightly out.
Sit weight into heels.
Keep chest upright and back straight.
Bend knees, making sure that they don’t extend beyond toes.
Aim to lower to a 90-degree squat position.
Push body weight into heels jumping up explosively as high as you can.
Keep core engaged and land with control, lowering the body back into the wide sumo squat position.
Rocking Plank
Plank position can be either on the elbows or in a high position on the hands.
Maintaining good plank alignment with a straight line between shoulders and toes, bring bodyweight forward so nose moves a few centimetres towards the top of mat.
Bring weight back again so nose moves back.
The body alignment does not change.
Sit Up with Rotation
Lay with your back to the floor with knees bent and feet together.
Place hands behind your ears, keeping them relaxed and remembering not to pull with your arms.
Keep space between chin and chest.
Tilt hips upwards so that back lies flat on the ground.
Using your abdominals, lift torso up off the ground and into a sitting position while keeping your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
Rotate through your torso to the right side then the left side before lowering your torso back to the ground.
Tuck Jump
Start in a standing position, with feet hip-width apart.
Extend arms out in front at shoulder height.
Use the power from your legs to bend deeper and explode up into the air, tucking the knees up towards your chest to touch the hands.
Keep your back straight, remaining tall as you tuck the knees up towards your chest before landing softly with bent knees.
Close Grip Push Up
Come into the plank position with hands under your shoulders and elbows pointing backwards (if unable to complete one rep on toes, come down onto your knees).
Lower your chest to the ground, keeping your elbows tucked in and pointing backwards.
Maintain a flat back by tensing your abdominal muscles, glutes and back.
Drive palms of hands into the ground and push back into starting position.