Activ8 28 Day Challengers 2023
It was fantastic to see so many challengers share their journeys during the Active8 28 Day Kickstart challenge.
One of the key advantages of the online driven challenge was it could be done anywhere and everywhere! This year’s exercise spaces included beaches, parks, lounge rooms and garages along with PCYC Gyms across Queensland.
Here is what a few of our intrepid challengers had to say about things like having fun solo or with other challengers, giving their everything to reach exercise goals, and their intense dislike of burpees!
Day 17, Wow! I really didn’t think I could do the first 10 mins up let alone back down managed to get to 40 then 40 and back down did push ups on the knees. I am absolutely blown away what this challenge has given me so far, bring it on! Not looking forward to walking or standing up tomorrow?
Day 22 feeling the gains, mentally and physically 🙏❤️👊
Day 20 ✅ Form is horrendous as I was trying to rush through as the kids were over the gym and ready for breakkie after my own session. However, after breaking up a fight, adding them in, we got some done😂🤦🏽♀️ Just keeping it real for the other parents that struggle to workout with kids!
I think this program is fantastic. What a great resource for all members. I have encouraged all my group fitness participants to get involved. Seeing what other PCYC members are up to is great too. Keep up the good work everyone.
Kia Ora, Day 11 challenge ✅I’m ️pleased to report that I survived my first time encounter with the ‘stairs of death’ located in Springwood 2x. In my 1st attempt, I had stopped 4x. On my 2nd walk up, it was slow & steady without resting, holding on to the rails for dear life, both ascending & descending the stairs. It was an enjoyable time of the morning. Have a great weekend.
So proud to be part of Team Logan👏 👊 A big shout out to Heather, you’re a super hero 🦸♀️ for showing up to class & participate in Day 22 challenge. Mauri Ora! Life to you!
I am not a runner. I am yet to discover any love for running, but this morning I went out for my half hour cardio. I ran my farthest distance non stop… but it’s still not far – less than 2kms. Gives me something to aim to beat next year though! The beach walk home… well, I have lots of love for beach walks. 🙂
Almost left mine until tomorrow, but with some encouragement from Tom and Bec, I did them tonight. That’s the benefit of doing things in a group. 🙂 10 rounds. Got through another round of squat jumps and lateral shoot throughs. I was so happy when the timer went off before more burpees! 🥵🤣
✔️Done! I found my post from last year too. I’ve improved a lot and managed to do 10 EMOM this year!😃 Some things don’t change though. I still 🤬hate burpees.
Day 16 of the #activ8kickstart done! I managed to finish 2 rounds of sudoku while running on the treadmill at PCYC Lang Park ha ha ha. Made me focus on something else other than my body so it was a great distraction.
PCYC Hervey Bay was at full stretch during today’s stretch session. Was a bit of a stretch, a few may have stretched the rules, but by the home stretch we were all stretched out!
And I’m not stretching the truth by any stretch of the imagination 🧘🏼
#activ8kickstart day 6 – 100 burpees in just under 10 mins, with Diane joining me to finish off her 100 burpees. Thank you, Diane for teaming up this morning 🤩
Couldn’t make it to the gym today but having these daily workouts is keeping me accountable 👍 so at home I’ve done todays #13 (which was a real burner! 🔥) & finished with yesterdays #12 Ab workout 💪Workout done ✅
I cannot wait until the next challenge! Can you? 😀