Could you be overtraining?
What exactly is overtraining and is there really such a thing? Well, as a fitness enthusiast it can be hard to find that right balance of healthy training, correct calories and getting the appropriate rest. Overtraining can be a combination of constant, intense training of the same muscle group, training without adequate recovery time, not consuming enough food or getting enough sleep. All of these things can affect your physical and mental well-being.
How many times should you train per week?
This really is a case-by-case scenario however if you are showing any signs and symptoms you should speak to a health/fitness or medical professional. It could be the simplest tweak in your program, diet or rest that could alter how you are feeling and tracking towards your ultimate goals.
Signs and symptoms of overtraining
- Excessive fatigue
- Decreased performance
- Insomnia or restless sleep
- Chronic or nagging injuries
- Appetite loss
- Metabolic imbalances
- Persistent injuries or muscle pain
- Soreness, strain, and pain
- Irritability and agitation
- Decreased effort during workouts
Why are rest days so important?
Rest days allow your muscles to fully recover, adapt and become stronger and give your nervous system a chance to regenerate itself. By having rest days you can reduce the risk of injury, improve your overall performance, and support healthy sleep.
On average you should be taking 1-2 rest and recovery days each week, this gives your body and muscles the appropriate time to heal and restore. This doesn’t mean you should cease all activity on rest days, try some low-intensity exercise like a walk or easy bike ride.