Giving the gift of a brighter future!

Throughout 2018, PCYC Queensland has been proud to celebrate 70 years of working together to create brighter futures for young people within the community. Holly (pictured), a 15-year old girl from regional Queensland, is one of as many as 50,000 young people who have been given life-changing opportunities from PCYC Queensland.

Before Holly entered her local PCYC, she was disengaging from her school and after a year of bullying, she was struggling with daily anxiety. Holly didn’t feel safe. As is the case for many regional towns, the PCYC Queensland club offered a safe and supportive environment for young people. After her mum encouraged Holly to visit her local PCYC, she began attending and engaging with the youth and community activities on offer.

Holly became a frequent visitor and the Queensland Police Service club manager offered her a volunteer gymnastics coaching role and supported her gymnastics coaching accreditation course. Through her position, Holly is thriving, regaining her confidence, overcoming her anxiety and giving back to her community in a positive way. Holly’s position and accreditation created career pathways that previously, were unavailable within regional Queensland. Youth unemployment is a key issue throughout regional Queensland, with the state housing four of the eight highest youth unemployment areas.

Holly’s new-found confidence and bravery pushed her to attend our State Youth Leadership Program (SYLP), a three-stage development program focused on self-leadership, team leadership and community leadership. This opportunity has had a significant impact on Holly, with her returning happy, ambitious, confident and equipped with the skills to overcome her past struggles.

Holly refers to her local PCYC as her second home, and her safe space. She has developed a passion for gymnastics coaching and creating a positive impact on others within her community. Holly is dedicated to helping others thrive within the PCYC Queensland, as she feels that the area lacks opportunities for young people.

Recently, Holly has made her senior subject selections and is excited about her future. While she is currently unsure of her future pathway, she believes her PCYC Queensland experiences and accreditations have given her the promise of a brighter future.

PCYC Queensland is a charitable not-for-profit organisation, that without your generous support, is unable to offer young people, like Holly, unique opportunities and experiences that offer a brighter future. A donation of just $30 can provide a PCYC Queensland membership to a young person who is at risk, disadvantaged or disengaged and grant access to PCYC Queensland’s activities and programs.

Will you give the gift of a brighter future this festive season? Donate today.