Looking for fun and fitness inspiration these Easter holidays?
Looking for fitness inspiration when it comes to entertaining your kids and keeping them active these Easter school holidays, with COVID-19 challenges at the forefront? Look no further! At PCYC Queensland, our fitness professionals are encouraging families to go old school…for free!
Activities with little ones
Even though we’re limited to being in our homes and staying in our suburbs, how about pulling out the chalk and drawing hopscotch on the footpath? Or playing jump rope, handball or having a race around the block on your bikes.
For those of you with backyards, turn adventure into creativity and look for objects to make patterns or sculptures using rocks, tree branches and leaves… your little ones will be moving without even realising it! Simple tree-climbing is also a wonderful way for children to build strength and stamina.
If you’re looking for indoor fun, why not play Simon Says or challenge the family to an epic board game battle. Or why not transform Snakes and Ladders into active fun? Include a squat for every move forward, 10 mountain climbers when you go up a ladder and 10 sit-ups when sliding down a snake. Whatever activity you choose, remember that children’s attention spans and endurance are lower than yours, so shorter interval sessions are encouraged!
Activities with older kids and teens
For older children, getting them involved in exercising with you as parents is ideal. Remember that it should be a fun, bonding experience and knowing your kids is key. For some, a little bit of good-natured competition never goes astray, but for others more encouragement may be required.
A bike ride, walk or run is a great way to engage with teens side by side, or some simple backyard cricket or basketball. Challenge your teen to see who can do 20 burpees or 20 push ups first, and really get the adrenalin going! Just remember, fitness should be an enjoyable way of living and not a chore, so ask your older kids and teens what motivates them – and get involved!
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