Meet our Gymnast of the Month: Priyansha from PCYC Bayside

Gymnastics member with blue PCYC gymnastics shirt and black leggings sitting on balance beam
When did you join the PCYC Bayside? 

I recently rejoined PCYC Bayside gymnastics in July 2021.

Why did you choose to take up gymnastics? 

Gymnastics is fun and when I was 4 years old I did KinderGym which I enjoyed a lot! Only recently I asked my dad to go back and he signed me up again, but this time for recreational gymnastics which I love even more.

What is your favourite movement in gymnastics? 

There is plenty of skills and movements that our coach packs into classes, but I love it when we do straddle jumps on the trampoline. That has to be something that I look forward to doing each time I go to PCYC Bayside.

What are you training for personally at the moment? 

At the moment, I want to be able to do a dive roll. This is where you start standing up and then jump or lean into a forward roll onto the floor. 

Would you recommend PCYC Bayside and why? 

Yes absolutely, it’s really fun there and you make friends too!

Discover more about PCYC Bayside  or view the  club timetable.