Meet our member of the month: Chris from PCYC Gladstone

Chris is a long term and loyal member at PCYC Gladstone, and is now enjoying their BRAND NEW Gym+Fitness space!

What is your favourite thing about PCYC Gladstone?

I love the inclusivity, staff are always friendly and welcoming, and the environment allows people to feel comfortable to train and be themselves. It’s just such an all round friendly and inclusive place to be.

Tell us about your fitness journey.

I started my fitness journey because I wanted to take charge of my mind, body and soul. I wanted to turn any negativity and self-doubt into something positive for me.


What are your fitness goals?

My fitness is focused around maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and muscles are just a bonus! My goal is to be better than I was yesterday.


What is your favourite workout?

Barbell squats are my favourite because they used to intimidate me. Now, I just see them as an opportunity to try and be better each time. If you don’t fail, you don’t grow so now I go into a barbell squat set knowing whatever happens I’m growing.

What is your favourite Gym+Fitness class?

I love all the fitness classes! I love that you are supported during the classes, and it’s a group effort.


Discover PCYC Gladstone or view the club timetable.