Meet our Member of the Month Ross Pulvirenti from PCYC Beenleigh

How long have you been working out at PCYC Queensland?

1.5 years

Tell us about how your fitness journey is going?

I only started getting interested in fitness approximately 5 years ago and it has been a slow but steady journey for me which is now gaining momentum.

Why did you choose to train at PCYC Queensland?

I was unhappy at my last gym and found PCYC Beenleigh had a friendly and engaging atmosphere so I joined up.

What’s your favourite piece of equipment?

The bench press is my frenemy!

What’s your favourite class?

So far I have not joined any classes but Brooke is slowly convincing me that I should so look out class, HERE I COME.

How many times do you visit the gym a week?

On average, 3 times per week.

What’s your next fitness goals?

I’m currently doing both weights and cardio.  My goal with weights is to put on some body mass, something I’ve always struggled with and with cardio, I’d just like to be able to run for 30 mins without stopping.

Discover more about PCYC Beenleigh or view the club timetable.