Meet our member of the month: Todd from PCYC Bayside

Todd is a dedicated member of PCYC Bayside starting his training from as early as 4:00am! He trains hard using the equipment at PCYC Bayside as well as functional movements and CrossFit to maximize his performance.

What is your favourite thing about PCYC Bayside?

There is plenty of new equipment such as the Echo, Ski, and Lifting Platforms. They have great rates and are just up the road, so it is very convenient!

Tell us about how your fitness journey is going? What are your fitness goals?

No real fitness goals, I just love it! The gym is ‘My Time’. It allows me to clear my head and start the day with a better frame of mind. This helps me be a better Dad, Husband and all round human.

What are some quotes you live by?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

Lightning round! What is your favourite food, movie, and sporting team?

I love peanut butter, and smoked meats! For movies, I love the Rocky and Creed series as well as The Goonies and Elf. I am a Canberra Raiders fan but will support Queensland in any sport!

Discover PCYC Bayside or view the club timetable.