PCYC Gladstone’s Youth Management Team tackles cyberbullying
Young people in our community encounter social challenges every day and in our technological world, these challenges increasingly present themselves through social media platforms.
Cyberbullying is a term that has been used for quite a while and the PCYC Gladstone Youth Management Team (YMT) recently spent some time deconstructing the concept. Thanks to the Queensland Government’s Tackle Cyberbullying Grants program, the team were able to establish just what cyberbullying is to them and identify ways in which they have dealt with it and how PCYC Gladstone has assisted to combat it.
At the culmination of this process the YMT created a cyberbullying video in order to assist young people understand the problem, identify that they are not alone and support them to seek help.
PCYC Gladstone provides a number of youth and community programs to help build the resilience of young people in our community, and to better equip them to deal with social challenges.
Not only does our club provide a safe space where young people can feel comfortable, we also support them and provide them with tools to become confident, capable and spirited young adults. Our Youth Management Team is just one example of this, as are our school-based youth programs, weekly Thursday Arvie Barbie and Youth Fit classes.
Tackling cyberbullying not only starts with education on the impact of the actual bullying itself, it also happens everyday in creating well-adjusted, considerate and thoughtful young people.
If you or someone you know would like to get involved in any of our youth programs, contact us now on 4972 3122.