Queensland Women’s Week 2022: Megan Bishop

In celebration of Queensland Women’s Week meet Megan Bishop, PCYC Queensland Executive Assistant.  

Playing an integral role at the top of the organisation, Megan is inspired by the unapologetic confidence of her biggest female inspirations.  

Tell us a bit about yourself and your journey at PCYC Queensland. 

I started with PCYC way back in August 2001 as a Branch Administration Officer at Charter Towers.  The role was much different from what the equivalent role in our Clubs is today, as it handled all the finances at the club as well as the other usual administrative tasks (and the more unique tasks like calling Bingo).  Our family had an opportunity to move to Brisbane, so I continued to work within PCYC across our Mt Gravatt and Ashmore clubs. 

As procedures were streamlined, I was able to successfully transition these into other positions in the clubs, eventually transitioning into my current role as Executive Assistant to Phil Schultz, CEO, and the Board.  I also assist with Company Secretary duties.   I’ve now been with PCYC for over 20 years!  

What is one of your proudest achievements during your time at PCYC Queensland (personally or professionally)? 

Implementing a new document management platform to reduce our impact on the environment. This program allows us to reduce printing which, as a not-for-profit organisation, means we can direct more funds to our social purpose. And it helps us save the environment!  

Who are some of your biggest female inspirations & why? 

Lisa Blair for her tenacity, drive, fearlessness, courage, activism is outstanding.  

Ruth Bader Ginsberg for her defence of women and minorities’ rights was something we should aspire to.  

Clementine Ford for her strength and determination to not cow under pressure and stand strong on her beliefs.  Whether you believe in her stance on various things you can know that she fully believes in the point she is making and is unafraid to say so.    

Why do you think it’s important that we recognise QLD Women’s Week? 

Women (and girls) have, for too many years gone by, not been recognised for the incredible successes and achievements they have gathered.  This includes the often-hidden achievements of ‘stay at home’ mums.  It’s important to acknowledge the many facets that make up the role women play in our communities.  

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

Hmmm – it’s probably actually one that I gave myself many years ago when I woke up and realised that I didn’t need to always please everyone.  If people like me great, if they don’t that’s okay too…just move on.  Oh, and my mantra is – will it matter when I’m 70?  Most things won’t so I don’t stress about them.  

What is one of your main goals for this year? 

From a work perspective – to help the PCYC grow and achieve the goals we’ve set.  

From a personal perspective – to take more holidays. But really, it’s to find more opportunities to step outside my comfort zone and experience the uncomfortableness without letting fear stop me.