Staff spotlight: Catherine from PCYC Hervey Bay

Catherine’s our PCYC Gym+Fitness Manager from PCYC Hervey Bay.

From running Group Fitness classes, writing programs and keeping the gym in great order, Cat is one busy gal!

She’s been a personal trainer for 15 years and started out running her own business for 10 years before moving into gyms.

When did you begin your journey at PCYC Queensland?

Just a little over 2 years ago as I started here in February 2021.  COVID-19 was still strong and the gym was just opening back up. It was quiet initially, but it has been great to see this place grow into the thriving gym it is now.

What do you love about PCYC Gym+Fitness?

There is a huge community spirit here. Our members are super friendly and inclusive. It’s a very welcoming space to come every day.  I can walk around anytime and feel welcomed and loved.  I often see members in the public and they are always so friendly.

Are you training for anything personally now? What are your fitness goals?

I’ve never really had specific fitness goals, other than to be fitter and stronger than my sisters ;-), but I’m not competitive at all.  I’ve always maintained a training style that is smart, to ensure I move better and live longer.  This included mobility, cardio and strength.

What is your favourite piece of equipment?

100% The Kettlebells! They are so versatile and functional. You can combine a full body strength and conditioning workout with just one kettlebell. It targets almost everything.

What is your personal favourite moment in your fitness journey?

Receiving an award of recognition from the local Rotary club for all the volunteer work as well as business achievements, was a huge surprise for me.

Do you have any health and fitness advice?

One Body. One Life. You only get one body, so look after it. Life is short, so enjoy it! 🙂

Discover PCYC Hervey Bay or view the club timetable.