Staff spotlight: Dann from PCYC Beenleigh

Dann is our PCYC Gym+Fitness Manager from PCYC Beenleigh. It’s been his lifelong dream to work in the fitness industry due to his long-standing passion for health, fitness and well-being!

When did you join the team at PCYC Beenleigh?

I’ve been working at PCYC Beenleigh for the past year. My association has been ongoing for 15+ years as a member. I used the COVID-19 period to arm myself with as much knowledge as I could, building up my fitness qualifications to realise my dream of working in the fitness industry. It started by gaining experience with volunteering, which led to being a fitness instructor and quickly progressed to Gym+Fitness Manager. The best part about working at PCYC Beenleigh is having access to the huge range of state-of-the-art equipment that caters for all fitness levels that will take anyone’s fitness journey to the next level.


Why did you decide to become a trainer?

I wanted to become a trainer from as early as I can remember. I’ve had a long standing passion for health, fitness and well-being inspiring people to improve, develop and achieve results beyond perceived capabilities and limitations. Throughout my experiences I’ve witnessed just how powerful the mind and body can be, so I want to help create positive change in people as it’s my belief that exercise with a healthy diet is the key to leading a healthier, happier life! 


What are you training for personally now?

I’m currently training for the Gold Coast half marathon with my 14-year-old son. It’s great to be able to train with my son as we work towards a common goal. I feel like this challenge will lead to many more including the full 42km marathon, trekking Everest and (maybe) the ultra Spartan one day (with my son)! I’m also working on being the healthiest and happiest I’ve been in my life, training hard and eating healthy so I can be a good role model as well as inspire others along the way. 


What is your personal favourite moment in your fitness journey?

I’m proud to say that I’ve walked across the Papua New Guinea Kokoda Track 5 times leading many teams with different strengths but my favourite moment in my fitness journey came when I led 15 people, which included 11 teenagers, to finish the 96km Gold Coast Kokoda challenge in 34 straight hours. It took lots of training, preparation, team building and creating a great team culture. We all managed to cross the finish line as a full team which is a rare feat for what is renowned as the toughest team endurance event in Australia. 


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