We need your support, make a donation today!
As COVID-19 continues to impact our daily lives and restrictions are slowly starting to lift, PCYC Queensland desperately needs your help so we can continue planning for the future and providing support to young Queenslanders who may be at risk, disadvantaged or disengaged.
“Without PCYC I would be roaming around in the street or somewhere doing bad things or drugs” – Yousuf
We need your support during this crisis!
PCYC Queensland and the Queensland Police Service work in 57 clubs from the Torres Strait to the Gold Coast, with 95% of our clubs in low socio-economic areas, and 60% in the top 50 high needs areas of Queensland.
Without support, many of our vulnerable members face greater uncertainty, risk and disengagement during this crisis.
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, PCYC Queensland can continue to help change the stories of young people across Queensland who may be at risk, disadvantaged or disengaged, giving young Queenslanders purpose, focus, motivation, skills and positive opportunities.
“Without PCYC I would be a completely different person. The PCYC has given me amazing experiences, which have made me the strong person I am today.” – Heather
Your donation will make the difference. A regular gift, or consideration of a gift in your Will, will also enable us the flexibility to plan for our future and respond to unexpected needs. Or your organisation’s support can help deliver joint initiatives, programs and services to at risk, disadvantaged and disengaged across Queensland.