Youth and Community
Youth and community programs at PCYC Bowen
Jnr R.U.B.Y Crew
This is a wonderful new addition to our PCYC Bowen Programs. Jnr R.U.B.Y Crew is based on the successful YMT R.U.B.Y Crew initiative and has been formed to develop and support young leaders within our community. Jnr R.U.B.Y Crew participants are from Grades 5 through to 7 and support local community events and initiatives alongside our award winning R.U.B.Y Crew. Each week they undertake training workshops designed to enhance social and emotional growth, whilst focusing on leadership, team work, communication and resilience. Jnr R.U.B.Y Crew will also assist with the facilitation of the successful Friday Night Skate Nights
Contact Michelle O’Regan, Branch Manager on (07) 4786 1383
R.U.B.Y Crew (YMT)
PCYC Bowen’s R.U.B.Y Crew (Representing and Uniting Bowen Youth) are an amazing group of 13 to 18 year old youth who are passionate about supporting PCYC Bowen and the wider community. The Crew have been supported and managed by PCYC Bowen since 2009. The crew currently consists of 18 members who are dedicated to being young leaders and positive role models through their tireless volunteering for PCYC and within the community. Crew members are highly involved in not only PCYC Activities and events but are passionate about supporting the wider Bowen Community through youth activities and supporting community events/activities.
Contact Michelle O’Regan, Branch Manager on (07) 4786 1383
(Primary School Re-Engagement Program) is an eight week hands- on, practical program that aims to re-engage primary school children back into the classroom. This program will cover a wide range of topics and content to ensure that each child is taken on a learning journey they would not think possible. To provide a positive experience with authority, each component of this program will be supported by a Queensland Police Service, Sergeant and/or Police Liaison Officer. By providing a strong platform of trust and friendship, a new found respect for police and authority figures will be developed over the duration of the course. This program will work toward breaking the stigma of police and authority figures being the ‘enemy’. For many children, especially those from homes of instability, the only experience they have had with QPS Officers, is one of negativity; coming to the home to arrest a family member. Our program aims to challenge this pre-conceived notion of ‘police/ authority being the enemy’ and instead replaces this with trust, respect and support.
It is vital that this program is delivered ‘off site’ from the school. These children need to feel a separation from the classroom so that they can begin to break down their internal barriers and thoughts around education.
Contact Michelle O’Regan, Branch Manager on (07) 4786 1383
TEAM UP is a social skills program that aims to help students re-engage at school, or develop in a positive direction, by focusing on leadership qualities. TEAM UP contains a variety of practical activities designed to build crucial life skills, with the weekly program including activities that aim to build resilience, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, social competencies and skills around communication, patience, assertiveness and problem solving.
The team building exercises create a strong team mentality between all members and they learn to work together and focus on perseverance, goal setting and achievement, priority setting, decision-making and consequences. A strong outcome of the program is teaching young people how to resolve issues without resorting to violence and intimidation.
Contact Michelle O’Regan, Branch Manager on (07) 4786 1383