Youth and Community
Youth and community programs at PCYC Crestmead
40+ Group
40+ is a fun loving group, which come together every Friday 9.00am-12.00pm to have a laugh, enjoy a band or play bingo.
Always looking for new members $5.00
Georgie- 3427 2277
Artist Group
If you’re a long term artist or are embracing on a new hobby, we have friendly competitions and set themes, oil, water or drawing artists all welcome.
Thursday 9.00am-12.00pm $5.00 and *$6.00 Annual membership (Senior Membership only), for all other memberships the group will contribute $10 towards your membership fee.
Noel- 3805 4100
Immunisation Clinic
Logan city council immunisation clinic runs every Wednesday 11.00am – 11.45am.
All vaccinations available
Bookings not required.
Child Health 0-5yr Clinic
Our midwives are onsite Wednesdays weekly 9.00am – 4.00pm and provide a quality child health service to help with any queries you may have. Weighing, baby health and children’s milestones and much more.
Booking required – 3412 3182
Craft Group
Craft is for all that enjoy anything crafty, we have scrapbooking, colouring, knitting, crocheting and so much more. Join the crafters with cake and coffee on Wednesdays.
9.00am-12.00pm $4.00 + club membership.
Youth Management Teams (YMT)
PCYC Queensland Youth Management Teams (YMT) are a social and leadership development group for high school aged young people who wish to improve their leadership skills and to give back to and connect with their communities. YMTs meet regularly within the clubs, volunteer their time and establish and drive their own projects within the community.
Call 3805 4100 for information.
CHAMP (Channeling Healthy Aggression Mentoring Project) is a boxing program which pairs young offenders with a positive mentor from their local community. Mentoring is used to foster personal growth, break down barriers and reduce criminality and risk factors for recidivism.
Deep Blue Line
Deep Blue Line is a police mentoring program which aims at enhancing young people’s positive sense of self, boost self-esteem, provide a variety of positive life experiences, encourage goal setting behaviours and expose participants to healthy role models. The program is gender specific and can be adapted to cater for young males or females as a small group of up to 10 participants and two facilitators. Weekly sessions deliver life-skills based sessions and interactions with mentors based around the key learning areas of communication, wellbeing and positive futures.
TEAM UP is a social skills program that aims to help students re-engage at school, or develop in a positive direction, by focusing on leadership qualities. TEAM UP contains a variety of practical activities designed to build crucial life skills, with the weekly program including activities that aim to build resilience, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, social competencies and skills around communication, patience, assertiveness and problem solving.
The team building exercises create a strong team mentality between all members and they learn to work together and focus on perseverance, goal setting and achievement, priority setting, decision-making and consequences. A strong outcome of the program is teaching young people how to resolve issues without resorting to violence and intimidation.
Rider's Club
Rider’s Club is an 8 week positive reward program designed and delivered with local high schools. The program rewards students who have behaved throughout the week with a 1.5 hr. trip to a skate park of their choice.
True Colours
A fortnightly support program run at Headspace Meadowbrook that supports young people who identify as LGBTIQPA+.
Bike Safety Program
A program delivered to the grade 5 cohort in one term teaching bike safety at our very own traffic school at Crestmead Park.
Rock and Water
Rock and Water is a program which aims at enhancing young people’s positive sense of self, boost self-esteem, provide a variety of positive life experiences, encourage goal setting behaviours.
Pop Up Class
A pop up class is a weekly education class for young people who are not currently earning or learning, and features students completing tasks on tablets featuring the Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB). At the end of each term the re-engagement team would assist participants enrol in alternative education, further training, or employment opportunities.
Love Bites
Love Bites is an extremely successful school-based Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault prevention program created by NAPCAN. Love Bites is based on best practice standards for education programs as recommended by the Federal Government funded Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House and other leading academics in the area of violence against women.
RUBY (Rise Up, Be Yourself)
RUBY (Rise Up, Be Yourself) is a free physical fitness program for women who are, have been, or likely to be experiencing Domestic and Family Violence (DFV).
Held weekly at a number of PCYCs across Queensland, RUBY is designed to empower women by building physical strength and contributing to general well-being, emotional resilience, self-esteem and confidence through physical exercise in a violence free and safe environment. The unique program gives participants a different outlet and tools to combat the DFV cycle by fostering connected relationships with other women in a safe, group environment. Sessions are facilitated by a qualified, female PT and a female member of the QPS attends and participates.
RUBY can be a conduit for the needs of the women, and help to create a culture of change and facilitate them to a place of survivorship. It can link participants into existing local services for support, information, referrals and resources and the partnership with the QPS ensures that positive relationships are formed with participants, and direct support is provided.
[email protected]
0409 428 750
Community Work Skills
Community Work Skills offers assistance to disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications up to a certificate III level through nationally recognised training.
This program is a great opportunity for job seekers needing an extra qualification.