Sports and Recreation

Sport and recreational activities at PCYC Gold Coast

Little n Active

Little n Active is a fun and creative approach to building strong foundations for under 5s. More information can be found by following the link.


Boxing demonstrates assurance in addition to developing physical fitness; training instils confidence, motivation and especially self-discipline. First boxing guides risk, that actions do have outcomes. This all takes place in an administered, designed environment with rigorous protection checks in place. Compare that to the unconfined roughness of some streets on a Saturday night. And boxing reaches out to the places that other sports don’t reach. Why? Boxing engages with young people on their own terms and understands that aggravation and aggressiveness that is so often the characteristic of teenage years.

PCYC Gold Coast Boxing team is a family orientated team building champions in and out of the ring. We compete regularly both amateur and professionally. We have produced state and national champions and both Coach Jay and Connie are very passionate about the sport and giving all athletes the chance to reach their goals. If you want to start your journey head on in!

Boxing – Pee Wee (5-12yrs)

Boxing – Novice (12yrs to Adult)

Please see our timetable for class times and prices.




Recreational Gymnastics

At PCYC Gold Coast we have a wide range of gymnastics classes from Monday to Saturday. Our classes start with Prep 1 and 2 gymnastics for children aged 4 and 5 years. Our classes then range from gym 1 to gym 6, from beginners to intermediate. We have  Boys gymnastics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Gymnastics is term booked, and lines up with the State School term calendar. We have an end of year Christmas Competition and competitions at other clubs depending on the availability throughout the year.

Find out more about our PCYC Gymnastics and see our timetable for class times.


QPS Physical Testing

The Queensland Police Service Physical Testing includes the beep test, a prone bridge hold, and push-ups.


Bookings taken via email ( [email protected] ) or phone call ( 5538 5201 ).