Sports and Recreation
Sport and recreational activities at PCYC Logan
Boxing is a high intensity sport that focuses on strength training and helps improve coordination. It is a great way to build strength, stamina and to reduce stress.
Our classes are designed for ages 6 years and up and are all run by a qualified coach.
Our boxing room is equipped with sparring ring, bags and boxing gloves.
Little n Active
We are proud to announce that we now offer PCYC Queensland’s exclusive Little n Active Program that takes a fun and creative approach to introducing children under 5 to physical activity.
For more information or to register visit: Little n Active
Recreational Gymnastics
Our Recreational program follows a state-wide delivered syllabus, so gymnasts can change class and location if required, while continuing to receive a consistent quality teaching program. All our coaches are accredited, and our syllabus has been specially developed to provide a structured learning program in a non-competitive environment. At every level our classes are designed to be fun, educational and improve movement skills for life.
Competitive Gymnastics
We believe that gymnastics is amongst the best Physical Education a person can receive. We know that gymnastics is the foundation for all human movement; and by extension; for other sports. With this in mind, we offer a competitive extension to our recreation gymnastics program.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Logan Rhythmic Gymnastics includes the World Standard Girls, High performance unit.
Beep Test
Beep test run by a Queensland Police Service Officer aimed to assist members of the community prepare for work fitness tests.