
75 McDougall St, Toowoomba, Queensland , 4350


Phone: 0447 954 273

PCYC Fairview Heights Fun Squad

PCYC Queensland Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) offers a range of fun, recreational programs to keep young people engaged.

Our services focus on the social, physical and emotional development of the young people in our care.

Please contact us with any questions or enquiries.

Partner with OSHC at your school or provide a referral:

Contact PCYC Queensland OSHC

Enrol or Book OSHC Now

Access Storypark

Service Fee Operating hours Places available
Before School Care (BSC) $20* 6:30am - 9:00am 80
After School Care (ASC) $25* 2:45pm - 6:00pm 80
Vacation Care ( VAC) $60* 6:30am - 6:00pm 80
Pupil Free Day $60* 6:30am - 6:00pm 80
    If yes, please detail below alongside any general comments.
  • *By ticking this box, you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age and are giving permission to PCYC Queensland to include your email address on any communications including news and special offers