Community Outcomes and Partnerships

Community Outcomes

The social and emotional wellbeing of young people and their greater community network is paramount in the program delivery platform supported through the First Nations Programs team. A collaborative approach is applied as partnerships across government, non-government, and community agencies, community groups and individuals are key to achieving results.  The First Nations Programs team applies a holistic framework to the programs delivered through PCYC Queensland that focus on six core elements:

Social – Create social connections with peers, elders and local service providers, by providing opportunities for community participation through a coordinated approach to program delivery.  Achieving increased connectivity to community through participation in targeted activities.

Mental – Increasing the health and wellbeing of young people through their engagement in targeted activities (primary objective), whilst embracing this as a means of providing information, support and referral (secondary objective) to relative community agencies to support the young person in addressing underlying issues that impact upon their lives.

Physical – Promoting healthy lifestyles by linking sport and recreation activities with health checks and health service providers, leading to improved health outcomes and education.

Culture – Reconnecting with culture by providing opportunities for community elders to play an active role in the development and engagement of their community by the incorporation of cultural learning into the programs.

Spiritual – Building community leaders through recognising and valuing youth participants and volunteers. Providing youth development, training and accreditation opportunities for young people to improve future prospects.

Emotional – Empower young people’s voices in their community and provide an opportunity through targeted activities to be recognised by the greater community as being ‘valuable contributors’.  Building young people’s leadership capabilities and ability to make positive life choices that will help them break away from adopted habits and redirect their focus.


Strong working partnerships with government, non-government and community agencies are paramount to the work undertaken by PCYC Queensland across First Nations communities.

Queensland Government:
Queensland Police Service 
Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport & Racing 
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 
Department of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander & Multicultural Affairs 
Department of Housing and Public Works


Commonwealth Government:
Attorney-General’s Department 
Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations 
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & First Nations Affairs 
Department of Health & Ageing 
Queensland Aboriginal & Islander Health Council 
Australian Sports Commission