Sports and Recreation
Sport and recreational activities at PCYC Inala
Badminton is a great sport that assists in building core muscles as well as giving your arms and back muscles a workout.
Tuesdays & Fridays 6PM – 8PM (social)
*Badminton court booking is not allowed and doubles playing format only, no singles matches*
Please note: PCYC Inala no longer supplies shuttles and all participants are to supply their own supply of shuttles.
Drop In Activities
Drop In at PCYC Inala is on every Thursday afternoon from 3:30pm-5pm!
We play a range of different games such as dodgeball, soccer and basketball and finish up with some ice blocks to cool off after all the running around! It’s a great opportunity to make new friends, run around and have a fun time!
Drop in for all young people aged 10-16!
QPS Physical Testing & QEFS Beep Test
Fortnightly Tuesday afternoons at 3pm – must have their fitness indemnity form completed and signed (ID required before doing the beep test)
*All participants must book in prior to their scheduled testing date*
Basketball After Dark
PCYC Inala – “Basketball After Dark”
Basketball is one of the fastest growing and popular sports around the world!
It’s a fast, fun and inclusive sport, plus it’s a great form of exercise that teaches communication and sportsmanship.
We go through drills, play some games and have a great time every Wednesday afternoon 4pm – 6pm for 12-18 year olds and free of charge for all youth participants.
Boxing is a high intensity sport that focuses on strength training and helps improve coordination. It is a great way to build strength, stamina and to reduce stress.
Our classes are designed for ages 8 years and up and are all run by a qualified coach.
Our boxing room is equipped with a large boxing ring, bags, speed balls, boxing bags, etc.
Boxing After Dark
After Dark Boxing is a program designed to empower young people aged 12 to 18 years, by improving physical health and wellbeing, emotional resilience, self-esteem and confidence, using sport in a safe and structured peer environment and facilitated by a QPS officer and giving the opportunity for participants to exercise in a safe place and engage in a weekly sports based activity.