Club Member Agreement (Terms and Conditions)
I have read and understand the PCYC Queensland Club Code of Conduct and acknowledge that misconduct may lead to suspension or cancellation of membership in, and access to, a PCYC Queensland club.
I have read and understand the PCYC Queensland Privacy Policy.
I understand that PCYC Queensland may use my, or my child or ward’s photographic image and /or voice and/or word (all known as ‘digital resource’) for publicity and promotional purposes in all forms of media including without limitation on TV, radio, press, magazine, outdoor, direct mail, PR, posters, corporate video, cinema, Internet (worldwide) subscription, social media and literature, and assign any and all rights, title and interest in the digital resource to which I or my child or ward may be entitled in law, to PCYC Queensland, and agree to make no claim for compensation for the use of the resources including digital resources.
If you do not give consent for the above please ensure you inform the Club when you make payment.
I authorise PCYC Queensland to obtain all necessary medical treatment which may be required by me (or my child or ward) whilst in the care, control or custody of PCYC Queensland, including any anaesthetic or surgical attention, which may be prescribed by an appropriately qualified medical practitioner, I acknowledge that the costs of any such treatment, including ambulance fees, will be my responsibility.
I authorise PCYC Queensland to exercise all reasonable control, necessary in the circumstances over me (or my child or ward) or over my (or my child’s or ward’s) behaviour whilst in the care, control or custody of PCYC Queensland.
I authorise PCYC Queensland to undertake Police Checks on me as part of its membership acceptance and review processes. I acknowledge that initial and continuing membership and volunteering are subject to any decision by PCYC Queensland, at its absolute discretion, based on such Police Checks and recommendations.
I am fully aware of the range of activities run by PCYC Queensland and consent to my child or ward’s participation in any activities run by PCYC Queensland, or its agents.
I understand that participation in PCYC Queensland activities involves the risk of injury and/or loss and damage to my property and that I participate in PCYC Queensland activities at my own risk.
PCYC Queensland, its staff, management, volunteers or agents are not liable for any personal injury, loss or damage of property or expenses, including medical expenses, which I or my child or ward may suffer at the Club and/or as a result of a PCYC Queensland activity.
I acknowledge that I have provided medical information on this form for emergency purposes only, and that PCYC Queensland is not liable for failing to use this information in any circumstances.
Family Definition*
As defined by the ABS as two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household.