Little n Active

Developing your little one’s physical literacy through active and creative play!

Little n Active introduces children to the basic skills they need to live active, healthy lives and builds the foundation for all sports. Classes are grouped by age and developmental stages, with activities tailored to each child’s needs. Held in a safe and welcoming space, parents actively join in as children explore movement, develop social skills, and encourage problem-solving through fun, engaging activities.

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Little n Active Classes

The Little n Active classes include the following class structure:
🔎 Welcome & open exploration
👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻 Group time
🌄 Guided adventures
👋 Farewell

Classes are grouped by developmental stages, and active parental participation is a key component of the program. Each 45-minute class involves a welcome and open exploration, group time, guided adventure and farewell. Adventures are also used each week and are the foundation for the learning stories that are created.

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Approximate ages are:

PCYC Little n Active Munchkins ClassMunchkins: 18 months to 2.5 years

Munchkins classes are designed for confident walkers who are keen to explore the world with their body. Munchkins are learning to run and jump, and they like to play alone or alongside other children. They like to imitate and can respond to simple directions.

PCYC Little n Active Sprouts ClassSprouts: 2.5 to 4 years

Sprouts classes are designed for children who can run and jump confidently. Sprouts are learning to hop, jump down from low heights, kick on the move and balance along a narrow beam. They are starting to play with other children, can share (with a little help) and enjoy dramatic play.

PCYC Little n Active Tykes Class
Tykes: 4 to 5 years

Tykes classes are designed for children who are becoming independent. These classes help children learn to listen, follow instructions, cooperate with others and the activities are more challenging.

PCYC Little n Active Sibs Class

Sibs: Crawling to 5 years

Sibs is great for families where one grown up attends with siblings under five. The content in this class includes a variety of activities that cater to various developmental stages and allows for reduced adult assistance.

Playtime Classes

0 months to 4 years

Playtime classes are designed to support early development through a range of stimulating sensory experiences. Children will develop muscle strength and take their first steps and tumbles in our safe, colourful and social-play based sessions.

 Little n Active Block 1 Adventures

With the adventures changing every fortnight, our program will always be engaging! Check out our upcoming adventures below.

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🏡 Down in the backyard

Commences 13 January
There is so much to do down in the backyard, from smelling flowers, hanging out the washing, to climbing trees! Children learn to crawl, roll and jump around just like the critters in their very own backyard.

🏖️ Beach

Commences 27 January
We’re going on a beach trip! Our Beach adventure explores fundamental movement as children visit their favourite ocean friends.

💌 Love bugs & hugs

Commences 10 February
Go on heartwarming journey as we celebrate friendship & love! From conquering obstacles, to creating an adventure filled with giggles and teamwork.

🌴 Jungle

Commences 24 February
It’s time to rumble through the jungle! In this adventure children will explore their environments from the canopy to the forest floor and learn how to roll like a panda or sway like an elephant!

🦸 Superheroes

Commences 10 March
There’s no need for a secret identity as children unleash their inner hero with our Superheroes theme! This adventure will engage children as they overcome obstacles using problem solving and movement skills to save the world!

🎾 Let's get active

Commences 24 March
The children are developing a strong sense of wellbeing. They are taking responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing. They will focus on gross motor, hand eye coordination and core stability.

🐰 Easter bunny

Commences 7 April
Hop, jump and burrow into the world of the Easter Bunny. Count the eggs discovered on the Easter hunt, swing across the chocolate river, and feed the chickens. Children have an eggcellent time learning to balance and bounce.

Enquire now! Don't miss out on the fun

    *By ticking this box, you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age and are giving permission to PCYC Queensland to include your email address on any communications including news and special offers

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes PCYC Queensland different?

Our classes are held in a safe and welcoming space where active parental participation is key. Little n Active classes are designed to promote children’s curiosity, encourage problem-solving, increase comprehension and develop social skills.

Is it compulsory to pay via Direct Debit?

Yes, it is compulsory for all Little n Active products except Playtime. Playtime has a casual payment option if required. A PCYC Queensland membership is required for casual payment.

What happens if my child’s class falls on a Public Holiday or Pupil Free Day?

Scheduled classes operate on pupil-free days. Classes are not held on Public Holidays and your child’s account will be adjusted.

Can I still book in a make-up class if my child misses a class?

Yes, make up classes are permitted, subject to availability and at the discretion of the club.

Will classes be offered during the school holidays?

Little n Active runs for 47-weeks continuously across the year. This allows children to enjoy our fantastic under 5’s program all year-round.

Need to take a medical break?

If the break is due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a medical certificate to our reception staff to get a credit or refund on your child’s account

Need to take an extended break?

Class positions cannot be held where holds are requested longer than two (2) weeks in length.

Planning a break over school holidays?

We know that everyone needs a break and some quality family time. The Little n Active program has a 5-week break over the December/January Christmas holiday where there are no classes. You will not be charged during this closure time.
Members on direct debit also have the option to suspend payments for the school holiday periods. Lessons may be suspended, for a maximum of 2 weeks. You must provide your suspension request in writing, with a minimum of 14 days’ notice. Unfortunately, this cannot be backdated.

Can I cancel my child’s membership?

Direct-debit allows you to have the flexibility to cancel at any time. You will need to notify us by completing a cancellation form at reception with 28 days’ notice that you will be leaving the program.
For upfront payments, please notify the club with 28 days’ notice that you will ceasing the program at the end of the current block. Please remember that you are always welcome back at any time!

What happens if my direct debit payment fails?

We understand that things occur from time to time and payments may be missed. Direct debit payments must be made on a fortnightly basis in advance for members to attend classes. Please talk to our reception staff if you are having issues with your payments.
Please note, extra charges will apply for missed payments and this will be outlined in your direct-debit agreement.