Gym and Fitness

Do you have a fitness goal you are chasing? Are you looking for a motivating yet friendly environment? Do you want to be able to join a Gym + Fitness Centre that not only will help you but also helps the community?

At PCYC Townsville Gym + Fitness we live by the following statement of “Fitness for Everyone”.  Join a Gym+ Fitness centre that will respect you and your goals, and is committed to your fitness journey.

Our Certified Trainers, will show you around the gym and provide instruction on our huge selection of strength and cardio equipment. They are available to help design an exercise program to help you meet your personal fitness goals and make the most of your gym time.

Did you know when you join a PCYC Gym + Fitness Centre you are helping to contribute to the Queensland Community?

PCYC Queensland is a charity and our profits go back into the Queensland Community, funding much needed youth and community programs throughout the state.

24/7 Gym

PCTC Townsville 24-hour Access Gym

PCYC Townsville offers a fully equipped 24/7 gym (400 sq./m floor, air-conditioned)  with free weights, treadmills, rowing machines, bikes, cross trainers, PIN and Hammer Strength machines. 24/7 access in now available with  a FOB, this includes access during public holidays.

Qualified exercise professionals are available for advice and support.

Contact reception on (07) 4781 9100 or [email protected]

Underage Gym Members

PCYC Townsville believes in making sure that all our members are safe while using our facility. To ensure everyone safety we ask all underage gym members to apply with the following conditions:

12yrs and under are not allowed to use our gym facility.

12-15yrs are allowed to use our gym facility only within office hours (Monday to Friday; 9.00am – 5.00pm)  with parent or legal guardian supervision at all times. They also must complete an underage safety induction with our PCYC Townsville Gym + Fitness trainer. No 24-Hour Access Allowed.

16-17yrs are allowed to use our facility unaccompanied within office hours (Monday to Friday; 9.00am – 5.00pm) after they have completed an underage safety induction with our PCYC Townsville Gym + Fitness trainer.

Contact PCYC Townsville on (07) 4781 9100 or [email protected] to enquire about our underage gym membership and the requirements.

Group Fitness Classes

These classes are delivered by  qualified exercise professionals 5 times a week. They are aimed at providing a quality  structure of fitness in a variety of  styles to keep you motivated and prevent boredom setting in. Our classes are open to everyone of all ages and they are included within your gym and fitness membership. Click here to view our current Gym + Fitness Timetable

Contact reception on (07) 4781 9100 or [email protected] if you would like to join.

PCYC Townsville Gym+Fitness Enquiries

    *By ticking this box, you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age and are giving permission to PCYC Queensland to include your email address on any communications including news and special offers