Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Through $1.3 million of funding from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, PCYC Queensland supports the highly successful Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative to help improve the skills, employment opportunities and social inclusion of disadvantaged young Queenslanders.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work is a suite of targeted skills and training programs supporting Queenslanders to gain the skills, qualifications and experience needed to enter and stay in the workforce.

PCYC Queensland delivers four of the eight programs that form the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative including Community Foundation Skills, Community Work Skills, Get Set for Work and Ready for Work programs at several clubs across the state.

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Community Foundation Skills

Community Foundation Skills offers assistance to young people aged 15 and above with low-level language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills. This program will equip young people with the knowledge and confidence to participate successfully in a modern knowledge economy. 
Participants under Community Foundation Skills can be enrolled in nationally recognised foundation skills qualifications, or appropriate non-accredited foundation skills preparatory courses that provide an essential pathway to further education and work. 

Community Work Skills

Assists disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications up to a Certificate III level through nationally recognised training. Great for Job Seekers needing an extra qualification.

Get Set for Work

Get Set for Work aims to provide disengaged young people aged 15-19 years with nationally recognised training, combined with integrated learning support measures and foundation skills that will enable them to successfully transition to employment and/or further education and training.
PCYC Queensland is funded to deliver the Get Set for Work program, providing a Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways.

Ready for Work

Ready for Work is a short program of up to 6-8 weeks, primarily targeting young people aged 15 years and over to transition into the workforce by providing them with the practical skills they need to find work successfully.
Ready for Work programs, similar to Community Work Skills programs, provide job search assistance and training such as resume preparation and writing, job interview skills, job search advice, networking opportunities and employability skills.

Youth Skills

Youth Skills offers customised training to support young people aged 15–24 years who are engaged with Youth Justice or Queensland Corrective Services to gain nationally recognised skills and vocational qualifications up to and including a certificate III level.
It’s a 1:1 mentor support program with a rolling start with mentoring for 12 months. During the duration of the program participants will complete a Certificate 1 in construction, gain life skills, meal support, family and court support and involve other effective interventions to help foster a positive future. Participants are not required to attend every day and will work with their case manager to achieve their goals throughout the time in the program.

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